Saturday, June 1, 2013

North American Slavery: Debt

The Moral Problems of Slavery
Most people in this politically correct world accept that slavery is wrong.  I would agree for the most part.  I consider slavery wrong when someone forces someone else to work under threat of violence and wrong when that person people (or group of people) steal the profit from these people’s work.  If I go to Africa in a ship and pick up a slew of natives under threat of force that is wrong.  If someone else buys these workers and forces them to work, without the opportunity to opt out of this agreement it is wrong.  The threat of unjust violence and theft is what I consider wrong.  Slavery in this sense is wrong because it takes away the right of these individuals to opt out.

Voluntary Slavery
Voluntary slavery is a contract that binds an individual to work under certain conditions.  In colonial America, business owners would pay for people’s transportation to the new world, train them, and in return these individuals would sign a contract obligating them to work for X amount of years for the business.  This is not wrong on the part of the worker or the business because it is voluntary, however this type of contract could be extremely foolish.  Back then I might have signed this type of contract depending on my circumstances; however voluntary slavery exists to this day (as well as involuntary slavery, but that’s a different issue).  The most common type of voluntary slavery in developed societies is debt.

I am a Voluntary Slave
Last fall I entered into a voluntary slavery contract with a company called Wells Fargo.  I borrowed money from them in order to purchase a 2007 Toyota Corolla.  In return for them putting the money forward and providing me with transportation to work I agreed to pay Wells Fargo extra money than what the dealership was charging.  I believe this was a smart decision, but I also accept that now Wells Fargo owns me for a period of time.  I have given up the opportunity to do as I please; now I have to go to work and bring in money to make my car payments, no matter what happens.  If I don’t they will take the car, and all the money I previously paid towards the car is gone.  I have subjected myself to slavery.

The Land of the Free
 Almost everyone in US society is a wage slave (car loans, mortgages, college loans, business loans etc.).  We live more comfortable lives by giving up our freedom (in theory our lives are more comfortable, at least for the time being).  The United States Federal government owes over $16 trillion dollars (to put this in contrast to what the US industry produced in 2012, it was $15.65 trillion); if every citizen opted to pay off this debt for the federal government each individual would owe the federal government’s creditors over $50,000.  Not only is the Federal debt insanely high but it increases on average $2.77 billion a day.  Most of us owe money to domestic banks, and the federal government owes money to foreign banks.  The banks own us, and our personal debt is voluntary, but the federal government’s spending puts us into INVOLUNTARY SLAVERY.  Every single week the government steals over 200 dollars out of my paycheck, under threat of force.  With you it may be more or it may be less but if you work, you are an involuntary slave to the Federal government.  The next time people recite the Pledge of Allegiance (“with liberty and justice for all”) think about how the federal government has forced you into slavery, and how you have forced yourself into slavery.  This is NOT the land of the Free. 

The Effects of Debt on Prices
It is almost common knowledge that the higher the demand for something the higher the price will be; the lower the demand for something, the lower the price will be.   A century ago it was common for people to buy their homes with cash and now that is almost completely unheard of.  What happened was the increase in mortgages created a higher demand for homes which slowly but steadily brought home prices up.  If someone can easily borrow money to pay for their home they are much more willing to spend more money on it.  This has happened and now it is extremely difficult to buy a house with cash, because you are competing with buyers who are willing to enter into voluntary slavery to a bank.  Now Americans owe over $13 trillion in mortgage debt.
This phenomenon of more debt correlating with higher prices can also be seen in the education industry. Between 1980 and 2011 the average cost of all college institutions (factoring in inflation) is 6 times higher.  In the mid-1980s the amount of Federal loans you could take out over four years was $10,000.  Now it is $31,000.  The high cost of college directly correlates to the debt people are willing and able to put themselves into.  People are willing to pay more for things when they borrow the money, and this drives prices up.  Americans now owe over a trillion dollars in student debt.

What are You Doing to Keep Yourself out of Slavery?
Debt harms our entire society and robs us out of our freedom.  Debt should be considered a last resort, and yet for most people it is the most accepted part of their financial lives.  They buy cars and make payments (as I am).  They borrow hundreds of thousands of dollars to “own” a home and end up paying at least double the original price over the next 15/30+ years.  The average college senior with loans graduates college owing over $25,000 only to leave college and find low demands for the skills which they learned in college.  Many find themselves as cashiers, parking lot attendants, waiting tables, working retail or unemployed.  In 1992 5.1 million college graduates found themselves “underemployed”; in 2008 that number had climbed to 17 million.

If Americans ever want the freedom they claim to have they need to start by rejecting the slavery that they inflict upon themselves.  Free yourself.


  1. Interesting. Sounds like you would like Dave Ramsey:) Have you read any of his stuff? I might have something I can e-mail you...
    I understand your point about trying to avoid debt and agree, however I would not equate it with voluntary slavery. You entered into a business contract with WF, exchanging the additional interest you pay to them over x amount of time for the money they gave you up front to buy the car. You did this because the money up front was worth more to you at that particular moment than the future interest money, for whatever reason. You are free at any time to pay off the loan (provided, of course, that you can come up with the money to do so). I don't consider that a form of slavery.

    1. if that's not voluntary slaver what is? After getting the loan, working a job was no longer optional. i have to work my job, and WF owns a cut of my pay. It's honest slavery; nothing morally wrong with it but still unfortunate.

      I have not read Dave Ramsey.
